Deskripsi Singkat :
88 (2014) BRRip 525MB nItRo
Story Line:
A young woman comes to in a roadside diner with no idea where she is or how she got there. Split between two timelines, she gets taken on a violent journey as she seeks out the person responsible for her lover’s death.
[FORMAT]:………………………….:[ Matroska
[GENRE]:………………………… .:[ Action | Thriller
[FILE SIZE]:……………………….:[ 525 MB
[NO OF CDs]:……………………….:[ 1
[RESOLUTION]:………………………:[ 1280×536
[LANGUAGE ]:……………………….:[ English
[SUBTITLES]:……………………….:[ Muxed
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:………………….:[ 1h 28min
[SOURCE]:…………:[ 88.2014.720p.BluRay.X264-KaKa
[iMDB RATING]:……………………..:[ 4.5/10
[Encoder]:…………………………:[ nItRo
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